Now that the Morton City Council has given us the 'green light' to go ahead with planning and fund raising for the custom bike show and rally in Morton to be held the 30-31st of August, 2014. I thought I would begin by giving everyone a rough idea of what is currently planned. We still need to go before the school board, and chamber of commerce, and a few other community groups to get their assistance during the rally. But I think if they are even half as receptive as the City Council was, things will work out. We are still going forward with the plan to form a nonprofit group to organize and run the rally, and I'll begin to look for corporate sponsors in the near future. As well as organizing fund raising runs to help pay for the insurance and other expenses. They City is going to negotiate a deal on a percentage of the gate for the use of the Jubilee Arena, and any extra police that may be needed. So there is still a lot of work ahead.
As you can see in the photo above, most of the events will be in one area of the city. Besides the motels in town, the city park will have camping available on the river across town. The movie theater has said if they can get permission from the copyright holders, they'll show old bike movies that weekend as well.
If things can be worked out with properly, we might even have "mini bike" races as well. Not the mini choppers, or pocket racers...but old fashioned 6hp or smaller lawnmower engine powered type mini bikes.
The vendors and swap meet will be set up in the vacant field on the main highway through town. The chopper/custom bike show will take up the senior center parking lot. The bike rodeo; beer garden, and live music, will be in the Loggers Jubilee Arena.
Besides having the Rally here, some of the best riding roads in the state of Washington are within a half hour ride of Morton. So it should turn out to be a popular event if we can get it all rolling. I'm sure this will be hard work, but if we can keep it flowing along, and keep the City happy, we should do pretty good.
I'll post more when I know more. But for now, it looks like WE ARE GONNA THROW A RALLY IN MORTON!!!
Catch ya on the road sometime...